Flint Creek S Two Step
DOB: 06/02/2013
Sire: TX Twincreeks RM Silvio *B
SS: Castle Rock Rainmaker ++*B
SD: SGCH TX Twincreeks WDF Sarafina
Dam: The Flint Creek Sinnamon
DS: AGS TX Twincreeks FAX Hildalgo
DD: AGS Rosasharn GX Nutmeg
Two Step was a wonderful addition to our herd from Flint Creek Nigerians in Philipsburg MT. This doe has an amazingly attached mammary system, while we would like a little more volume, her components are great and the strength of the Twincreeks genetics really shows through. We retained her daughter from this past spring and she is one we hope to get many more kids from!
Sire's Dam pictured below