Coyote Kidz Golden Lily
DOB: 5/18/2013
Sire: AGS Capstone Farm Samuel
SS: NC PromisedLand RC Sorcerer
SD: AGS Kids Corral CR Tapestry
Dam: AGS Eastside Sunny
DS: AGS Lil Critters Farm Boots
DD: AGS One Horse Flicka
Lily was a sweet doe from our foundation Sunny. Her production was huge especially for our herd at the time milking well over 4lbs per day. She was an easy doe to handle for 4-H and made an easygoing showmanship goat, but never had the shine to place high in breed classes. She was sold to be more of a pet and do the one thing she excelled at, make milk!
Pictured at the Ravalli County Fair 2016