Sales information:
PLEASE READ before inquiring about a purchase!

Prices start at $400 for all breeding animals and increase based on genetic potential and performance of sire and dam. Pricing is subject to change based on actual conformation and thriftiness of kids. A discount of $50 from the total will be given when multiple kids are purchased at the same time.

Pet wethers (neutered males) are $125 to approved homes only. Goats are herd animals and should not be kept alone, this is not negotiable. Kids sold as pets must go in sets of two or more, single kids will only be sold to homes with other goats.

We reserve the right to retain the first choice kid from ANY breeding. We are happy to accept reservations, but please understand that we have no way to control birth number or gender. If your reservation is not filled by a particular breeding we are happy to suggest a kid we feel is of equal quality or keep your name for the next season. No deposits are taken until the kids are born. Once a doe has kidded we will notify interested parties and then we require a $50 nonrefundable deposit within 7 days to hold a kid. Full payment must be made prior to the kid leaving our farm. Any transportation expenses are the responsibility of the buyer.

The next member of your herd could be right here!

currently For Sale:

2025 Kids are HERE!!!!

Not to many does left to pop and we have had a bumper crop of GIRLS!!!

Pictures will be added as time allows, the extreme snow and temperatures have been making basic chores very difficult so we are simply surviving…..

A list of available kids so far with the DAM and SIRE names:

T2 Raven x Highlander -Broken Buckskin $500

T4 Sophie x Comet - Chamoisee with white spots $500

T23 Maiden x Meader -polled buck skin with white $500

T49 Velours x Highlander - white with black spots $500

T25 Vestiri x Meader - Polled buckskin with white -$400

T15 Maple x Comet - Buckskin w// heavy white overlay $400

T16 &17 Chance x Comet- 16- Black & White 17 dark cou clair$400

T19 Milkyway x Comet - Dark buckskin $400

T41 & 42 Flossy x Meader 41-polled black doe 42-polled buckskin w/moonspots $400

T7 Wog x Highlander - brown cou clair $400

T49 Primrose x Bond - mostly white w/black boots and spots $400

T20 Negroni x Comet - Black with swiss points & moonspots $400

T36 Deep Thought x Meader - black with small white spots $400

2024 DOE KIDS — Now exposed to kid as yearlings

We had a whirlwind kidding season with 23 does kidding 54 in just 7 days!

Some really nice kids this year! Birth number, Dam and Sire names listed with price under each picture.

Capari and Adhara are both bred to kid beginning of March