Our lovely milking does all have their own personalities, strengths and weaknesses. We are a growing herd and hope to grow quite a bit in the next few years. Once we have a few more does in milk we plan to start with the DHI testing to keep improving quality. Some of our starter does come from humble backgrounds but we keep them for their excellent performance in the milk pail!

At our 2023 LA session we were fortunate enough to have Crissy Thomas of Stillwater Ranch/Round Mountain Creamery help us get beautiful and updated pictures of our milking herd! Huge thanks to this talented lady for her services! If you would like to use any of our photos for reference, please be sure to credit our herd Coyote Kidz and the photographer Crissy Thomas.

Click on each doe's picture for individual information and pedigree...

Senior Herd Champions and Older ladies!

The 3-4 year old group, most will be on their 3rd freshening in 2025

Second Fresheners 2025 - Working on getting individual pages for these girls! I know I’m a year behind, but clipping goats isn’t a favorite activity… pictures beyond the Jr and baby stage don’t exist yet!

First Fresheners 2025- Ooof I’m like 2 years behind now in getting grown up pictures of some of these does….but we all do the best we can. These girls are not babies, but have cute little first fresh udders.