SG Flint Creek S Shadow's Tilly
DOB: 06/04/2012
Sire: TX Twincreeks RM Silvio *B
SS: Castle Rock Rainmaker ++*B
SD: SGCH TX Twincreeks WDF Sarafina
Dam: TX Twincreeks G Pepper Pot
DS: Piddlin Acres BD Ginseng
DD: GCH AGS Twin Creeks ARG Mithril Silver
Tilly came to us with Two Step from Flint Creek Nigerians in Philipsburg MT. We were not sure about what she actually looked like when we got her in November because she was as fuzzy as they come. When springtime and warm weather gave us a chance to give her a show clip we were shocked at the dairy doe we found under all that fur! Overall general appearance is very pleasing on this doe. She has quickly become a favorite in the herd as her gentle disposition makes her one of the easiest goats to work with, be it milking, clipping, being used a 4-H practice goat, she is a joy to have. She is also making it quite apparent that she knows what her job is and that is to milk!
After giving us several daughters, we decided that a well deserved retirement was in order for Tilly. At 12 she enjoys lazy mornings and bossing around the yearlings!
Sire's Dam pictured below