Coyote Kidz MR PONYO
DOB: 04/02/2018
Sire: Oak Apple Max Rebo
SS: Proctor Hill Farm To Go Daddy
SD: Piddlin Acres BZ Whata Diva
Dam: Camanna Rm Painted Lady 6*M
DS: Rosasharn SP Monet +*B
DD: SGCH AGS Rosasharn UN Bumble B 5*M
We are so happy with how Ponyo has matured. She was very small through the winter as a kid and yearling but really pulled herself together in the spring. We decided last minute to take her to the BDGA show in Hamilton 2019. Literally standing with everyone in the trailer except the yearlings and asked a friend “which of the to cows should I take?” We chose her over her also black and white sister (the other Holstein-goat) and it’s a good thing we did! She placed 1st in her very large yearling class (19 dry yearlings) and then went on to pick up a dry leg as Jr. Grand Champion. Then to top off her showing debut she also received Best In Show Jr. doe over some incredible standard breed competition. She has freshened and, like her dam Lady, is really soft in mammary texture and overall showing improved attachments.
June 22, 2019 Bitterroot Dairy Goat Association 3rd annual ADGA show