Oak Apple Dolce
DOB: 05/23/2020- 1/31/2024
Pictured as 3 year old 2nd fresh
2023-LA score VVVV86
Sire: Oak Apple Maestoso
SS: CH *B Heaven's Hollow Majesty
SD: SGCH Oak Apple Cavatina 3*M
Dam: Oak Apple Yum
DS: Oak Apple Mikado
DD: SGCH Oak Apple Seria 3*M
Dolce quickly became a favorite. She was an easy to milk doe with a beautifully shaped mammary. She was a top producer in the herd and very competitive in the show ring. She earned a dry leg as a yearling and has taken two reserve champions behind her heard mates.
Unfortunately due to kidding complications we lost Dolce in January of 2024. She will be missed dearly and hope to continue her legacy through her daughter.
Pictures as 2 year old 1st fresh