Whey-to-Go Mountain Tundra
DOB: 10/01/2017
Sire: *B Whey-to-Go Tommy
SS: *B Tempo Passa Erendil
SD: SGCH Whey-to-Go Tamika 3*M LA 91 EEEE
Dam: GCH Whey-to-Go Scherazade *1M La FS 92 EEEE
DS: +*B SG Des-Ruhigestelle Eins La 89 VVV
DD: Whey-to-Go Trixie
Tundra was our first official Saanen. She come to us from the Copper Penny ranch in Idaho and has a wonderful milky background.
She is a big lovable pony that is tolerant of all kinds of shenanigans we put her up to. She simply loves food and attention.
Dam and Sire pictured below.
Photo credit Copper Penny Ranch and Camille O'Connor
First freshening rear udder. She was a little lop sided from being precocious on the left side before kidding.
Jr. Champion 2018 Central MT Dairy Goat Association Show